
Collaborate, innovate, educate.

Teachers work hard to meet the needs of their students. Sometimes despite best efforts, there is a gap between where students are and where we want them to be. Other times, students are ready to take their work to the next level. TIP Learning helps teachers identify the strategy, knowledge, or approach that will tip the hard work students and teachers are already doing toward desired learning outcomes. Grounded in theory, backed by research, and steeped in practice-based experience, TIP Learning offers educators the support they need to meet students’ needs.


Implement curriculum that:

  • Is clear about learning intentions, success criteria, and relevance for learners

  • Incorporates a variety of instructional strategies to increase student engagement

  • Fosters students’ reception and production of academic language

  • Includes real-life application

Purchase pre-existent curriculum or request the design of a new learning module.

Professional Development

Take a course to expand your knowledge- and skill-base around key areas of education research. Online, blended, and face-to-face formats available. Completed courses earn clock-hours toward continuing education. Graduate credit available through partner universities.

Coaching & Consultation

Partner with us to grow your capacities as an educator. We will meet to discuss your goals, develop a plan to support your growth, and monitor and support your progress from start to finish.