I’ve been in the district for 25 years. This is the best professional development I’ve ever received! Thank you!

I have never met a college professor with a knowledge base as wide and prolific as Dr. Hoody. Not only does she "know it" but she uses it in her personal and professional applications. She inspired me to be a better educational reader and leader, because she models, guides, and inspires.

The energy Dr. Hoody puts into learning, growing, and problem solving inspires all of us to do our very best. She made me want to do more, continue learning and stretch myself.

Dr. Hoody gives insight to even our most veteran staff. She has a passion for seeing that all students achieve -- especially disadvantaged students -- which has impacted my practice.

Dr. Hoody is inspiring to work with and has helped me learn so much and I've taught for twenty years. The instruction and support she provides her students at the university is unparalleled and a tremendous gift to the education community.